Many accidents occur during changing lanes on road due to blind spots; that is only due to the wrong adjustment of mirrors. It is very important to set your rear and front view mirrors properly to avoid accidents and to save lives. Usually setting your car’s front and rear view mirrors incorrectly create blind spots and you can hit the car in the very next lane while shifting your lane or while parking your car.

There is a technique involved in positioning these mirrors correctly. It could totally eliminate blind spots behind your car and can give you wider eye angel to avoid accidents.

While adjusting your side-mirrors you need to see beyond your car, don’t try to see your car in the mirror. Most of the people do this mistake that they adjust car’s side-mirrors at eye-level where they could see rear part of their own car. They think that like this they could avoid a bumper collision. But usually, car hits cars at the side rather than at back or front. For covering your Car’s bumper use rear view mirror instead off side-view mirrors.

You have to set these mirrors at an angle where your own car should be out of focus when you are in the driver position. Try to cover the sight of the road in a mirror rather than your own car. Like this, you would be able to at the wider angle or you could say that you would be covering 3-quarter view from both sides of the car. It will provide optimum comfort and support while driving.

For adjusting rear view mirror make sure that you don’t have to move your head for peeping at the rear part of your car. Set it at eye level where you could glance by just moving your eyes. It will make your drive more comfortable.

All adjustments are dependent on your reflexes also. You have to be fully awake and aware of the road while driving to avoid any unpleasant situation.